Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pregnancy Pictures

Lloyd and I were in Alaska when we took these photos.  I was about or 7 months along.  I set up the shots and he pressed the button.  He is such a great sport.  I couldn't ask for a better husband! 

The wind was chilly!  Lloyd thought it was a little weird that I even wanted these photos taken.  He also thought it was strange to show my bare belly.  It may be a little strange, but I love them!

We were at a local park on the Kenai Peninsula.  I had a dream about these photos and new what I wanted.  I had Chris and Lloyd take me to the fabric store to get the material you see floating in the air.  I also waited until it was a stormy cloudy day so I could get the wind effects and the dramatic sky.  I explained to Lloyd what I saw in my head.  I even made a few sketches.  He lead me to this park.  They turned out perfect!  Thanks Lloyd! 

Looks like I am doing Yoga, or meditating.  Nope just taking a picture.  I was thinking in my head man it is freezing out here!!! 

Lloyd took this one all on his own.  Good work!

This picture was taken in Kodiak.  It was the middle of the day.  I don't remember the temperature, but the ocean water was soooo cold.  Picture an Ice Berg floating in the far distance.  That puts it into perspective.  There wasn't one.  But I like to think there was one because it was so cold.  I still can't believe I did that.  I couldn't resist the perfectly blue water for pictures.  We went to get jewels off the beach and ended up taking pictures. :) Some local people where there and thought I was crazy.  They had built a camp fire and offered to share it with me and my bare belly.  ha ha 

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