Thursday, May 13, 2010

May...Bummer Lambs, Mothers Day and more...

Addie (Dave and melissa's baby) is 6 months.  These were taken at 51/2 months.  She has gotten so big!

Lyndee Lichfield's Bridals.  She could be a super model.  She has a classic look and she is really tall!  It was so much fun to work with her! 

Mothers Day!  On Saturday the day before mothers day there was a knock on my moms door.  Neither of us were expecting anyone.  My mom answered the door.  It was the flower lady!  She said that the flowers were for me, but she lost the card so she didn't know who they were from or what the message was.  I was so confused.  I hoped they were from Lloyd.  Other wise I had a stocker or something :)  I immediately skyped with Lloyd. ( he is in Alaska )  I told him that I got flowers but I didn't know who they were from.  He played dumb.  What a stinker!  i finally got him to confess.  He said happy first mothers day!  How sweet and thoughtful!  A few mins later the flower lady returned with the card.  It was an awesome surprise!  Thanks Lloyd you are the best!    

Lloyds family came up to Fairview May 8th to see my dads bummer lambs.  There are six of them in the back yard.  They are really cute but, they make a mess.  Feeding them was a chore, but he built a feeder for them that has made things a lot easier.   

MaryAnn said the kids were so excited to see a real lamb.  They drove all the way up from St. George to see them.  We had fun.  It was good to see them all again right before I leave.   

I grabbed a hold of one so the kids could get a closer look.  

Jordyn and Jerzi

Jett and Delray

Sadie and Jaak both just got haircuts that were way over due! I hadn't given them haircuts for a few months.  They were Looking pretty shabby!  I shaved them both pretty short so that my parents wont have to deal with their hair while they are babysitting them for us while we are in Alaska.  I can't imagine flying with both of them!

My parents have been so wonderful!  I am so grateful to them for their generosity and kindness.  My dad built the dogs a pen outback so they can go outside without being tied up.  My mom has been feeding me some great food.  I wish I could live at home forever! :)  I am so lucky to have such great parents!


I took a pregnancy test in February and it was positive.  I knew I was pregnant because I had to pee every 5 mins I swear!  Lloyd and I are so excited!  Picking out a name is going to be a nightmare.  There are soooo many names and nine months is way to long to think about it!  Lloyd put an order in for twins but.....

There is only one in there.  He is our baby waving hello!

Here is a photo of it's profile.  My mom thinks it looks like a boy?  We will see.  I will be happy with either.  Lloyd I think wants a boy.  I think most guys want their first born to be a boy :)

A photo of our baby's legs.  Just kicking around.  

This was my first visit to the doctor.  I had no idea when my last period was so we weren't able to figure out my due date.  The doctor ordered an ultra sound so that we could find it out.  I am now 13 and a half weeks along.  The ultra sound says that I am due November 10th 2010.  At first being pregnant wasn't fun.  I didn't like the feeling of being nauseous all the time and puking once in a while.  As time had gone by I am feeling better, but my lower back is starting to hurt and headaches have started to be more regular.  On the bright side I haven't been constipated.  ha ha I hear that is a normal problem for a lot of pregnant women.  
Something to get used to: the "gag reaction"... I was eating a sandwich and I looked down and saw a hair on my lap.  It was not in the sandwich, but for some reason it made me gag.  Lame! I puked right away!  I couldn't hold it back.  One hair ruined my lunch. sad. now i can't eat egg salad sandwiches anymore.  ha ha ha  

April... Spring and MICHAEL BUBLE!!!!!!

Lloyd SUrprised me with Michael Buble tickets.  It was actually March 31st but close enough to April right?  Lloyd said that he wanted to go up north for some business and that he wanted me to go with him.  It seemed a little out of character, but he said that he needed my opinion and that he wanted me there...  I told him that I really didn't need to go and that I wanted to stay home and work.  I didn't really want to drive all the way up north on a wednesday and stay only one night... He shmoozed me into going with him. He said that we are going to do something fun with the people that we were going to meet up with.  
He told me to dress up.  I thought that he just wanted to impress his Business Partners or something... ha ha.  The joke was on me.  when we got up north he said, "Do you know what we are doing?"  I had no clue.  We took the dogs to my Aunt Patsy's house and she said that Fred was working at the Jazz game that night.  So I assumed that we were going to the jazz game.  I wasn't way excited about it.  We pulled up to the E center.  I didn't know it was a concert.  that shows you how many professional games I have actually been to.  I looked up and saw the billboard that said Michael Buble in concert... I screamed and jumped up and down.  I realized that it was all for me!  We weren't meeting his friends for business.  He drove me up just to take me to the concert.  I LOVE michael Buble!  He is one of my favorite artists!  Lloyd has been so sweet lately.  I love him!!!! It was such a nice surprise.  

Lloyd and I just before the concert started.  Our seats were 10 rows in front of center stage!    

Michael singing....

Me and Michael :)  He walked down the isle during one of his songs.  Lloyd had the camera ready.  As soon as he passed by Lloyd snapped a picture.  I was touching his shoulder.  

Him singing again :)

Naturally seven was the opening band.  Our Friend Kurt Actually got Lloyd the tickets for the concert.  He is such a nice guy! He is friends with the vocal Naturally seven.  I am now a huge fan.  They do everything with their voices.  instruments and all.  It was so impressive.  Very entertaining especially live!!!

Kurt and Naturally 7

Di and Derek's wedding.  Lloyd helped with this shoot as well.  

The wedding was held in Springdale Utah.  Such a pretty town, close to Zion National Park.  

It turned out that I had a lot of family at this wedding!  Derek is cousins with Jenny and Jer Blain my cousins!  It was fun to see them and my Aunt and Uncle Janell and Jeff and Jer's wife Lisha.    

Jenny's kids Ryliegh, and Tynliegh (hope I spelled them right?)  They are going to be hear breakers!  

Lloyd built this house in 2007.  He lived there for a year or so before we got married.  I moved in in Jan. right after we got married.  We both like St George and the location of Green Springs.  Most of our neighbors were nice.  We didn't get to know very many of them.  St George isn't quite like little Fairview or Annabella were you know all your neighbors.  We are short selling our house.  It turns out we can live in a house twice the size of ours for what we were paying for it.  We have some good memories in this house.  Lloyd proposed to me here.  I loved it, but I am excited for a new chapter in our lives!   

Lloyd durring our process of moving.

Me trying to saran wrap the little wood pieces from the top of the posts on our bed. 

We, or should I say Lloyd fit everything into our storage unit.  It was soooo Jammed full.  He did a great job and even left and isle for us to walk down.  I wasn't much help because I couldn't lift heavy things...

Jeremy and Christine's engagement session.  Jeremy is Lloyds cousin.  They are such a Handsome couple.  They look great together!  I think she looks like Cinderella and He looks like Eric from the little mermaid. 

My mom Aunt Patsy and I went to Lewiston to visit Grandma Stephenson.  On our way we stopped at Temple Square in Salt Lake City Aunt Patsy said that we HAD to see the flowers.  Because of the warm weather it tricked ALL the tulips to bloom at once instead of in sessions.  It was an overload of flowers.  I have never seen anything like it.  They were so beautiful!  

March Madness

March was a fun month.  I was able to work with a lot of old friends from High School, The mission, and College.  Lloyd helped me with every photo shoot.  He is amazing, I don't even have to tell him what to do or what I need anymore.  He is so efficient.  He is going to be hard to replace.  It isn't his favorite thing to help me on photo shoots, but he is a good sport, and supports me in what I do and love!

These are twins about 6 months old.  They belong to a friend from the mission.  We weren't companions but we lived together for a while in the mission.  She has such cute babies.  She says being a mother to twins is wonderful.  people say it sounds hard, but she says she doesn't know any different.  :)  Lloyd really really wants twins after working with these cuties.  

Tracey and Craig Condie (mission friend)

Krystal and Travis Early (friend from SUU)  We were in the same ward for a while.  She is so beautiful! I loved taking her pictures!  Lloyd also helped with this wedding. 

After the wedding we met up with our Friend Mike for Don Rafa's tacos.  Lloyd had been looking forward to it all day!!! The taco stand is on the south side of sears parking lot down town Salt Lake City.  There are a lot of taco stands but this one is the best!!!  They seriously are soooooooo good.  They taste like real mexican food, and the flavor is unbeatable!  Mike showed us this little stand.  Every time we head up that way we have to stop for tacos. 

Katie Anderson and her Fiance.  yep that is right we have the same name.  In high school it was funny.  they had to call Katie the Senior or Katie the Junior.... to the office otherwise they would get both of us.  Katie is so much fun.  She is spunky and very pretty as you can see!  

This picture is one that I had been wanting to try for a while.  It was so stormy and freezing!!!! but they were both good sports and trudged out into the snow storm!  It turned out great.  Needless to say this was the last location and pose because we were all soaked from the storm :)

This is Traci Allred's children (friend from High School).  They are all so cute!  Traci was so fun and well prepared!  She knew what she wanted, that made it easier for me.  Her kids were naturals.  I won't be surprised if they turn out to be models :)

My brother John, Bexi and ALL their friends came down to our house in St George for spring break.  I don't know how many people we had staying there but it had to have been around 20 people.  My cousin Teri also came down that same week with some friends to stay for a few days.  I think they all had fun.  John, Bexi, Lloyd and I went to a concert one of the nights.  Our Friend Kurt Walker was preforming.  His vocal group is call Inverted.  They were amazing!  They did vocal percussion and everything.  All the sounds and instruments were done vocally.  

John had to hobble around all week on his sprained ankle.  This is after some of the swelling went down.  It looked really painful!! Poor guy!