Thursday, May 13, 2010


I took a pregnancy test in February and it was positive.  I knew I was pregnant because I had to pee every 5 mins I swear!  Lloyd and I are so excited!  Picking out a name is going to be a nightmare.  There are soooo many names and nine months is way to long to think about it!  Lloyd put an order in for twins but.....

There is only one in there.  He is our baby waving hello!

Here is a photo of it's profile.  My mom thinks it looks like a boy?  We will see.  I will be happy with either.  Lloyd I think wants a boy.  I think most guys want their first born to be a boy :)

A photo of our baby's legs.  Just kicking around.  

This was my first visit to the doctor.  I had no idea when my last period was so we weren't able to figure out my due date.  The doctor ordered an ultra sound so that we could find it out.  I am now 13 and a half weeks along.  The ultra sound says that I am due November 10th 2010.  At first being pregnant wasn't fun.  I didn't like the feeling of being nauseous all the time and puking once in a while.  As time had gone by I am feeling better, but my lower back is starting to hurt and headaches have started to be more regular.  On the bright side I haven't been constipated.  ha ha I hear that is a normal problem for a lot of pregnant women.  
Something to get used to: the "gag reaction"... I was eating a sandwich and I looked down and saw a hair on my lap.  It was not in the sandwich, but for some reason it made me gag.  Lame! I puked right away!  I couldn't hold it back.  One hair ruined my lunch. sad. now i can't eat egg salad sandwiches anymore.  ha ha ha  


  1. Your lucky your not that sick. When I was pregnant with my first, Belle, I was SOOO sick up till month 6. I actually cracked a rib from throwing up so much. Then with Sydney, I was SOOO SOOOO sick up till month 8, I was always throwing up blood from popped vessles in my throat, then just semi sick till the day I had her. I am done having kids. I don't want to go through that again. Good luck :) Be happy your feeling MUCH better. It really is exciting. And all worth it in the end. :)

  2. Gotta love the gag reation-I'm still dealing with that a little. Sounds like we're not too far apart-fun fun! We just found out that we're having a boy. We're excited to find out what you guys are having! My prediction is a girl....I can see Lloyd having a little katie to run after! Cute cute!

  3. How exciting!! Congrats!! You are going to be an awesome mom!!

  4. Hooray! I'm so excited Katie! I hope that our paths will cross someday soon so I can see you guys (heck our parents live a block from eachother you would think it would happen more often than it does).
    It's crazy the direction that our lives take us in such a short amount of time, but I'm glad that you are happy!
    I will save the stories of pregnancy until afterwards (I wish some people would have done that for me). However, I can relate to what you're going through...I was sick for a long time!
