We got home from Hawaii in August and decided to take a rod trip to Boise Idaho for the Micheal Buble Concert. Our good friend Kurt got us awesome tickets for the show! RaDaun, Kurt, Lloyd and I made the long drive up there together. We had a great time! We had Jacey stay with Teri, Cyndi and Aunt Patsy. It was my first time without her. It was hard, but be both did fine. :)
Lloyd and I outside the concert waiting to go inside.
Kurt got us floor seats we were like 10 rows from the front of the stage.
He also got us backstage passes, but we were late so we didn't actually get to meet Michael :(
In all of the shows we have been to Michael Buble comes down the isles and then stands in the middle of the sound box and sings a few songs. Last time when he came down the isles Lloyd took a picture of me next to him... This time was Lloyds turn. I had the camera ready... I didn't get the shot :( Sorry Lloyd.
The pre-show, Naturally 7
I Love, Love, Love watching them preform! They are an amazing vocal band. We have met them a few times. They are all really nice guys.
While we were in Boise we decided to see what there was to do there. We drove around for a while trying to find a park. Hyde Park was the name... it was lame... ha ha just kidding. We had hard time finding it because it wasn't what we expeted. But there was a lot of places to eat. We had some great mexican food, and some good ice cream.
Lloyd and I at Hyde Park (that isn't really a park)
RaDaun and Kurt at Hyde Park
We went floating down the Boise River. It was fun. It went all the way through town.
RaDaun, Kurt and I. Lloyd was taking the picture.
Next we went to some other park were the river rafting let out. We ran around for a little while. Lloyd and Kurt found a water fountain to play in... They found out afterward that they weren't supposed to be play in it whoopsie.
On our way home we had to stop at Cafe Rio. Lloyd nor I had eaten their since before Hawaii... because there are no Cafe Rio's out there... We throughly enjoyed it.
Just after we got home Lloyd got asked to go golfing with Mitch Miesner in park city. He said he had a good time.
The next week we headed up to Ogden for Acapellastock. We went with my parents, JD and Callie Parry. We went out for Pizza and then to the show.
Sonos was one of the Vocal Bands that preformed that night. They were also in the TV show The Sing Off. We love Acapellastock. The talent is amazing. We both sing so we appreciate how hard it is to sing a song with no instruments. some of the sounds that people make with their mouths are amazing. I can't even comprehend how some of them do it. On our way home from the concert every time lloyd graces us with his mad beat boxing skills. We have made some lasting memories :) Our Friend Kurt introduced us to it and now we can't get enough.
got to love the horses in Ogden :)
The stage
It was the Sherrill and Hazel Anderson Families turn to take the cabin in September. No one was taking it since most of us live in Fairview anyway. So Lloyd had the idea to have a family gathering there with his family. Lloyd and I went up the first few days of the week. We had Brad Winegar and Digger and Brook Henry and their kids come join us for dinner. We had steaks for dinner. I was in charge of cooking them on the grill. I struggled. Isn't that a mans job? Ha Ha Lloyd and I are both food challenged. I can cook, just not on a GRILL!
Brad and Digger
Diggers girls loving sadie and jaak
Lloyd and his man skills chopping wood!
Jacey and I
Poor bird. It flew into the big cabin windows and died. That is something that happens quite frequently.
Brad and Jacey
can you tell by the evidence on his face that we had smores around the campfire :)
Lloyd Jacey
Brad stayed with us over night. We had a lot of fun. We put up Lloyd's projector and watched some movies and UFC fights. Lloyd and Brad played ping pong. They were pretty evenly matched if I remember right. They are both competitive so it was fun to watch the drama!
The next night Most everyone on Lloyds side of the family came to the cabin. we had a blast! HA HA I hope RaDaun and Maryann don't kill me for posting this picture of them, but I feel like it illustrates the fun that was had. They had just got done four wheeling.
Shannel, Robert, Jeremy and Christine... after four wheeling.
Jacey and Michelle
Jerzi and her treasures. I remember hunting snail shells as a kid on the mountain by the cabin, so I thought I would take the kids to do the same. They loved it! You don't find those every day in St George :)
Lloyd and I went on a walk with Jerzi. She wanted to pick wild flowers. Here is the beautiful bouquet that we made. She was so proud of it.
a close up :)
I don't know if you can tell but we even used it for a center piece on the table.
Maryann was amazing! She figured out all the food for everyone. She and Nick I think did most of the cooking. We ate some gooood food!
Erma Crawfort passed away in September. She was my Uncles Freds mother. She was such a sweet witty lady. We will miss her. Lloyd and I were asked to sing at her funeral. We sang, "I stand all amazed."
Lloyd grew his hair out while we were in HI. I begged him to let me straiten it so I could see what he looked like. He looks a little Bieberish but I think he looked cute. I would for sure style it different though. He hated ever second of it. He was such a good sport.
Lloyd got a hair shot so I wanted one. Here I am with my new extensions. :)
Lloyd at the mall looking at watches with Jacey. He kept forgetting that his hair looked like that until he looked in the mirror. Then he got annoyed at me. Poor Lloyd. I love him! I am so glad he puts up with me. He is the best friend I have always wanted!
I did pictures for some good friends Aubry and Chris. Here is a peak at some of them.
I also did pics for Shaun and Marva's family. They all looked so cute!
I did pictures for Maryann Lloyds sister for her birthday present. She is so much fun. I love all of them!
I also did some maternity for my really good Friend Darla. She is so cute pregnant!
While we were in St. George I did some extensions for Maryann's Friend. They turned out pretty good.
Our Nephew Gavin had a project in school about flat stanley. He sent a flat Gavin to us and told us to take him everywhere and then send a letter back to the school telling them where he had traveled... with Lloyd he played a lot of andy birds... Lloyd is a champion at this game. He had passes all the levels with all the gold stars possible. He is so funny.
Lloyd and flat Gavin
Jacey me and Flat Gavin. I took flat having all over the world... (thanks to Photoshop :)
We also took him to Lewiston to my Grandma Stephenson's 80th Birthday Party.
Lloyd and Jacey outside practicing a song before the big party. (that is my pink guitar if you are wondering)
We had a nice dinner that was catered. Rolls Salad Chicken... I can't quite remember the menu.
Lloyd getting ready for the show. We had a program after the dinner and Lloyd was the MC. He really has a talent for being in front of people. He can win over any crowd. He is so clever he had us all rolling on the floor! He and John are always teasing each other. John played the guitar for me while I sang "How much is that Doggie in the Window" Lloyd had to one up him and play a song too. At the last minute he put together the song called "Special Fred" He poked fun at John. It was hilarious!
Aunt Patsy introducing a Memory Film that She and Shannon put together.
Uncle Mikes Family singing a song
Aunt Roberta Grandmas sister
Grandmas reaction to Aunt Robertas speach... She talked about grandma pushing her off her bike when they were little.
Nate, Cyndi and Teri wrote and recited a poem.
My Mom Paula sharing a story about an old lady that lived her life to the fullest... I then sang the Rose.
Uncle George.. Grandma's brother.
Lindsay playing the piano
All Grandmas kids sang a medley of her favorite songs.
Jacey and Aunt Nancy eating Grandmas cake. Jacey made a new best friend that day :) She loves cake!
Grandma and Flat Gavin.
Last but not least... My mom and I bottle all kinds of things this fall. I have always watched her bottle but have never done it for myself. This year we decided to do it. She helped me bottle applesauce, pears, beans, and peaches. We did a ton. it was a lot of work, but totally worth it. Jacey loves eating all the fruit!
Thanks mom for teaching me!
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