On the actual day of our anniversary (Jan. 3) It was a Sunday. I wanted to do something special for Lloyd since he planned our Honeymoon, this year it was my turn. I tried to think of something that he loves... Boy stuff came to mind. Camping, four wheeling, fire... So I sneakily set up a tent on sunday morning (with his sister RaDaun's help) ha ha I didn't know how to set up a tent. I had gotten fire wood the night before, and also cooked hobo dinners... After church I told Lloyd that we should go on a four wheeler ride. He agreed, and we drove right out to our tent. Lloyd didn't know it was for us and drove right past it not recognizing it, saying, "someone is camping.?? Weird..." I had to convince him to go back to the tent because it was for us. He finally drove back over after four wheeling for a bit. We had some nice hobo dinners and a fire (first time making those to). I hear they are a big hit at boy scouts camp... :) Lloyd was surprised, but felt bad he didn't do anything. Next year we are just going to plan it together. We didn't actually camp because it started to get pretty cold.
Lloyd Hugging a cactus he wanted to see what they felt like. ha ha. This was on our way down to Mexico. We decided That we should go somewhere to celebrate our Anniversary. I had never been to Mexico, except on our honeymoon... Where we stopped in Cozumel on our Caribbean cruise. Lloyd said that wasn't real mexico and that I needed to experience it.

Here we are crossing the border...
We stopped at the Friendly Dolphin Restaurant. It was fun to speak spanish again.
I ordered the house special, friendly dolphin style fish... ha ha i don't remember what it was called.
After eating at the Friendly Dolphin Restaurant we met a guy from inner Mexico. He owned a bunch of businesses there. He was very friendly. He wanted to show us around. Kind of weird, but he seemed harmless. He took us to the richest neighborhood Las Conchas. The houses were amazing!!!!
This store sums up mexico in one shot :)
This must be the reason that it is called "Rocky Point" :) so pretty! While we were there all the vendors kept trying to sell us bracelets and necklaces. The average was about every 5 mins. I assume it was because they don't get very much business in the winter... we were it. We gave in and bought a few things.
We finally made it to the beach. It was a little windy, but it didn't stop us from having fun. In the summer this beach is jam packed, but we had it almost all to ourselves.

Lloyd braving it. The water was pretty cold. We didn't actually swim just got into about our hips. Lloyd dared me to get in. I didn't really think he would do it.
We stayed there on the beach until sunset.
As the sun went down we walked a few feet to a condo and jumped in the pool. The water was much warmer. It felt like 90 degrees after being in the ocean. :)
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