Kristen flew me out to Korea to help them with Kevin. They had to travel to the hospital that was two hours away just to get ultra sounds and check ups for little Bri in her tummy. The Delivery is a whole other story. I was pretty much was their nanny and loved every minute of it!!
This picture was a day after I arrived to Korea. We went to the street markets. We saw some pretty crazy things like:

Street sweeper...

Chicken feet... Yes they do eat them on a regular bases. They were everywhere. They suck out the bone marrow... They do the same in china. I did try them in china but not in Korea. Once is enough :)

Yum octopus... please prepare yourself for the next one... the street markets seriously had everything for sale. Butchers right there in the street with the animal carcass just hanging there in the open air.

Dog... You always hear the stories that they eat dog, but did you believe it? Well now you can, here is the proof. I wanted to cry when I saw this. It made me think of little sadie (our dog). The lady got mad at me when she saw that I had a camera. I had to get a picture. I was sick the rest of the day. Poor thing.
Some of the booths laid their goods on the ground and others had tables. There was a lot of sea food and vegetables, but you could find anything from clothes to shoes to hardware...

This is where I stayed while I was there.
I was taught how to fly the Apache Helicopter. This was the simulator. It was quite a challenge to land, and to hover. There are so many buttons, the collective and the cyclic are the only names of parts that I remember. I got dizzy towards the end. I really appreciate people that fly these things!

This is the church that we attended. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. I wish that everyone was that kind. To me it seemed that people didn't waist time to make friends. I LOVED Kristen's ward!

There were some pretty crazy stores there. They would try to use english but often things would be spelled wrong or constructed funny... Lloyd the gift... ha ha. This store was naturally my favorite.
This was supposed to say NIKE ha ha and the mannequin was pretty funny as well.

The food... There was good and bad. I liked bib-n-bop ha ha I can not remember how to spell anything. This was a meat and leaf place, where you grab a lief then place it on a leaf with your chopsticks and then fold it all together and shove it in your mouth. It takes a lot of coordination to eat here :)

sea weed anyone... Kevin loved this stuff. It tasted like vinegar and sea weed to me. not so good. they served it everywhere.

This is there tradition dress...
On the subway... To get to the hospital we had to ride the subway with a few transfers, then we had to switch to a train... Traveling was so confusing to me. Driving wasn't an option for a small car. Traffic was horrible. a trip that should take two hours ended up taking four or five. so we stuck to public transportation. We also rode in busses and taxi's.
We got to go to the Temple in Seoul while was there. It was wonderful. the chairs were a lot closer together though. I guess people here are smaller :) Yep I felt Huge!
Brianne waring the outfit that I got her. Such a beautiful girl! Kristen brought her home in this outfit. I was so tickled.

Before it was time to go home I spent the day shopping with Kristen, Tara and Maria. They were some good friends from the ward. They were also very helpful while kristen was in the hospital for a week and a half. I stayed in Kristen's apartment with Kevin and Tara Maria and others would bring me food and other things I needed. It was seriously what I think heaven is like... everyone helping everyone.

Me and Maria.
At the Air Show in Osan. I went with Maria and Gina and all their kids. We all had a lot of fun. It was really loud. good thing my favorite brother in law gave me some ear plugs before hand.

The night before I left. Bri didn't quite make it into the picture but she was there. We all went shopping in Osan and had dinner at Chili's. Yes there is a Chili's in Korea.
We look pretty scary, but I couldn't resist. This was taken right before I left. It brings tears to my eyes just looking at it. I made some really good memories and learned some wonderful lessons about parenting. I may be ready to start my own little family.

The toilet in the air port in Korea.

They were much further down on the ground than our toilets. Once again I felt like a giant. The asians are such crafty people. You just push the button and new plastic wrap slides around the toilet seat. You never have to worry about a dirty seat. :) I think we should start using these. It would make cleaning the toilet much easier.
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